Michael E. Caspersen - CV

Director, It-vest - networking universities
MSc and PhD in Computer Science

It-vest - networking universities
Åbogade 15
DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Phone: (+45) 7027 6852
Mobile: (+45) 2338 2067
Email: mec@it-vest.dk

Michael E. Caspersen is honorary professor for Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University.

From April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2023 appointed special adviser on digital education and skills for Executive Vice President of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager.

Curriculum Vitae
LinkedIn Profile

Main research interests

Informatics education, computational thinking, programming education and methodology, object-oriented programming

Google Scholar Citations

Selected activities

See list of previous activities

Updated April 28 2022